Support comes in many shapes and forms. Social media is a powerful source of info and as a brand, we will use this platform to listen, research, share, and continually educate ourselves moving forward. We always have, and always will, stand in solidarity with our community.  


If you’re shopping, show your support. From now through June 7th, we will match all donations made to the NAACP through the Botkier website – the option to donate will appear during checkout.
naacp logo



Now through June 7th Botkier will match all donations placed to the NAACP organization. Donation option will appear at checkout. Donations are available at 5%, 10%, 20%, or choose a custom dollar amount.  The donation percentage is calculated on the cart's subtotal before taxes. Botkier will match up to $5,000 in donations. Any donation’s made will not be eligible for refund.